Dr Dalila Missero

Lecturer in Film Studies

Research Interests

My main research interests are the everyday and genered aspects of transnational film production and consumption, focusing on both historical and contemporary film cultures. I use feminist methodologies to address abscences and omissions in historical narratives and film canons, and over the years I have built solid expertise in archival research, oral history and biographical interviewing and, more recently, in digital humanities. My monograph (2022, winner of the BAFTSS Best First Monograpg Runner-Up Award) represents the first feminist historical assessment of women's role in Italian cinema from the 1960s to the 1980s. I am currently working on a second book project focusing on the networks of production and distribution of feminist and women's filmmaking during the UN Decade of Women (1975-1985).

Another strand of my research focuses on migrant women filmmaking and cinema-going, with a particular focus on transnational practices and circulation between Latin America and Europe.

Selected Publications

Missero, D. 29/12/2021 Edinburgh : Edinburgh University Press. 200 p. ISBN: 9781474463249. Electronic ISBN: 9781399513326, 9781474463270.

Missero, D. 30/11/2021 In: Participations. 18, 2, p. 436-453. 18 p.
Journal article

01/09/2022 → 31/12/2022


Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Invited talk

Oral presentation

Oral presentation


Invited talk

Oral presentation

Oral presentation

Prize (including medals and awards)