Dr Katherine Ingle
Ruskin CoordinatorResearch Overview
I am interested in family writing and shared creative process in Romanticism. My thesis examines acts of shared writing in siblings and focuses on the Wordsworths, the Lambs and the Coleridges. Broader research interests include textual process, spatial theory, literary geography and the writing of space and place.
Thesis Title
"Writing Together: Sibling Creative Relationships and the Production of Texts 1799-1830".
Additional Information
I am currently Managing Editor of the interdisciplinary journal Nineteenth-Century Contexts produced here at Lancaster.
I co-organised the Landscape and Writing reading group with Dr. Jo Carruthers.
In 2014 I co-organised the Early Career and Postgraduate Conference for the British Association of Romantic Studies (BARS). The theme was Romantic Locations and we were generously hosted by The Wordsworth Trust.
I completed an undergraduate MA in English Literature and a MSC by Research at the University of Edinburgh before joining Lancaster in 2012 to embark on a PhD.