Dr Michael Brown

Lecturer in Modern British History


I am a cultural historian of modern Britain (roughly 1760-1914), interested in medicine and surgery, gender, the body, emotions, and war. My last major research project explored the emotions of nineteenth-century British surgery, and demonstrated the powerful yet changing role that feelings played in shaping surgical identities, and in structuring relations between surgeons and their patients. This research has been published in several journal articles and in my last book, .

My current research, funded by an AHRC Standard Grant, is undertaken in collaboration with of the London College of Fashion and explores the history of the hand in Victorian Britain and its multiple implications for embodiment and identity both in the past and today. We are currently also developing another major research project that explores the material and emotional history of popular militarism in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

Selected Publications

Brown, M. 31/10/2022 Cambridge : Cambridge University Press. 324 p. ISBN: 9781108834841.

Brown, M. 17/06/2020 In: Journal for Eighteenth-Century Studies. 43, 2, p. 239-259. 21 p.
Journal article

Brown, M. 1/01/2019 In: History. 104, 359, p. 19-41. 23 p.
Journal article

Brown, M., Barry, A.M., Begiato, J. 30/08/2019 Manchester : Manchester University Press. 288 p. ISBN: 9781526135629.

Brown, M., Begiato, J. 30/08/2019 In: Martial Masculinities: Experiencing and Imagining the Military in the Long Nineteenth Century. Manchester : Manchester : Manchester University Press ISBN: 9781526135629.

Brown, M. 30/04/2017 In: CULTURAL & SOCIAL HISTORY. 14, 2, p. 155-181. 27 p.
Journal article

01/11/2024 → 30/10/2028

Business Course/Training



  • Centre for War and Diplomacy