Dr Philip Moffitt

Lecturer in Technology-Enhanced Learning, Teaching

Research Overview

Phil Moffitt works in the Department of Educational Research, 51福利. He specialises in interventionist research of education. Phil is a chartered engineer, facilities manager, and UX ergonomist with research interests in socio-technical, socio-cultural, and cultural-historical activity theory, enabling people to collectively and expansively confront sub-optimal work and learning for themselves.

Publication peer-review

Invited talk

Public Lecture/ Debate/Seminar

Publication peer-review


Membership of committee

Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

Publication peer-review

Invited talk

Types of Public engagement and outreach - Festival/Exhibition

Participation in conference - Academic


Publication peer-review

Publication peer-review

Publication peer-review

Membership of committee

Oral presentation

Editorial activity

  • Centre for Technology Enhanced Learning