Sofia Midauar Gondim Rocha

PhD student, Associate Lecturer

Research Overview

I am a PhD researcher working to understand the environmental impacts of floating solar panels on freshwater systems, such as lakes and reservoirs. To achieve that, we are using the hydrodynamic and water quality model Delft3D.

My interests are in lake modelling, hydrodynamics, hydrology, climate change, and water resources in general.

Previously, I applied Delft3D to model a reservoir's spatial distribution of evaporation, and with CE-QUAL-W2 to investigate the hydrodynamics of a small hypereutrophic urban lake. Additionally, I worked for a few years in the industry as a Civil Engineer designing drainage systems, raw and treated water pipelines, sewage and water distribution systems, dam recovery projects and security inspections, in addition to team management for the execution of those activities.

  • Centre of Excellence in Environmental Data Science
  • Energy Lancaster