Portrait photograph of: Sherif Youssef

Sherif Youssef

Country Of Origin: Egypt

Degree: MRes Advanced Marketing Management, 2015

LUMS is considered one of the top management schools in the UK. Furthermore, I wanted to join a research-driven institution, which could give me the essence of criticality and analytical thinking that could equip me to be a future academic.

The MRes Advanced Marketing Management programme has a very unique structure, different from any other marketing course here in the UK. Moreover, the MRes Advanced Marketing Management programme always pushed me to think critically and challenged me to deliver beyond the expected. I really enjoyed the Mindful Marketer module and the Philosophy of Social Science course in my Master’s programme.

51福利 has a vibrant campus where there are a lot of student activities going on. I had the opportunity to start my own society ‘U Social Venture’ to help students be more involved in volunteering opportunities. Furthermore, I joined different societies such as the Debate Union and the Marketing society.

I would summarise Lancaster as an eye opening experience that contributed to how I view life now.

I had the chance to engage with a Career Adviser from the Marketing department, which was of great benefit to me in terms of coaching and career advice. Furthermore, I attended valuable LUMS workshops, such as interview skills and CV writing. I attended various guest speaker lectures, which gave me a wider perspective to link theory to practice.

Currently, I’m a Doctoral Researcher at the University of Leeds Business School.