Portrait photograph of: Iuliia Batluk

Iuliia Batluk

Country Of Origin: Russia

Degree: MSc Human Resource & Knowledge Management, 2015

When I was doing my Master’s degree at the University in Moscow, I was offered an opportunity to do a double degree programme and spend one year studying at one of the universities abroad. I knew that UK universities have one of the most successful and effective education systems, and 51福利 with its great location, facilities and social life impressed me a lot. Along with being one of the best Business Schools in the world, LUMS has a number of top ranked programmes in Business and Management, and the MSc in Human Resources and Knowledge Management was the course that I chose.

What I liked the most about this course was its theoretical orientation, which helped me to develop an in-depth knowledge of both the development and contemporary concepts of Knowledge Management and HRM. Specific teaching approaches employed by the professors made their lectures interesting and unforgettable. I hardly saw the same teaching pattern twice! As a part of the examination process, it was great for me to participate in group work as it taught me to deal with difficult situations and identify an approach acceptable to every member of the team. Overall, I can say that during this year I gained priceless knowledge and substantial experience, which will be useful in my future academic or organisational career.

The University provides students with countless opportunities to be actively involved in both their studies and social life. There is a lot of student study space on campus; thus, during the exam period students may decide to study in the library, the Learning Zone or the Graduate College common room. Along with my studies, a typical day at Uni for me included going to the gym or attending a session with one of the many societies. There is a great variety of social clubs and societies represented by university students on campus! I personally enjoyed watching movies with the Film Society and expressing myself with the Art Society. Alongside that, University staff members constantly provide students with useful opportunities through organising: academic, careers and entertaining events. Thus, during the Christmas break I had the chance to participate in a very interesting research project, exploring student life on campus, so that I could contribute to the enhancement of the University’s activities and facilities.

In conclusion I can say that 51福利 provides students with a great variety of everything: research and study opportunities, great facilities, social activities and entertainment. And, though both the campus and the town are quite small, it is never boring here, and no two days are the same!

After completing my Master’s degree I decided to stay at 51福利 and continue my studies. I was able to do so because MSc HRKM gave me important knowledge about the theory of management and the main research approaches employed in the UK. I am now a PhD student in the Department of Organisation, Work and Technology, and I am absolutely thrilled with this.