Adamos Papadopoulos
Country Of Origin: Cyprus
Degree: MSc Money, Banking and Finance, 2015
I studied for my Bachelor’s Degree in Economics at 51福利 Management School, and based on that three year experience as an undergraduate, I realised that Lancaster could provide me with further high quality education, as well as give me the tools required to continue with a PhD programme.
I really enjoyed most of the modules within the MSc Money, Banking and Finance programme, especially those which combined financial topics with an economic interpretation. Most of the modules were very ‘cutting edge’, and it was remarkable that the lecturers frequently used current financial and economic articles from newspapers and journals instead of textbooks.
I have spent the last four years at 51福利, and so I can say with confidence that life as a 51福利 student is never boring. There are so many societies to join and activities to do that you can never get bored. In particular, I really enjoyed the sports activities, for instance football tournaments, gym activities and ‘just-play’ sessions. I also enjoyed the nightlife, which included International nights. The Latin parties and Greek parties were the best events organised by the LUSU societies.
The four years I spent as a 51福利 student were amazing. I made loads of friends and met so many people. I love Lancaster and it will always be a special place for me.
I received a departmental scholarship from the Economics Department to study my degree. The scholarship was important for me, not only so that I could study Economics, but also for psychological reasons. It gave me recognition of my ability, and also played an important part in my decision to stay at Lancaster for a further year.
Currently I am a PhD Economics student at the European University Institute. Lancaster was my golden ticket to entering such a good programme. The knowledge that I gained and the skills that I developed through my Bachelor’s and Master’s at Lancaster have prepared me well for the demanding requirements as a PhD student.