Dr Mahsa Honary
Lecturer in Information SystemsResearch Interests
My research interests are focused on using technology to improve the quality of life those suffering from long-term health conditions. I have worked closely with clinicians and service users to assist in the design, development and evaluation of technological solutions in Neurodegenerative Diseases (Motor Neuron Disease and Parkinson’s), Mental Health (Bipolar Disorder, Psychosis, Eating Disorder, Self-harm and suicide prevention) and childhood Leukemia. In particular I am interested in the use of digital biomarkers and sensing solutions to enable ubiquities self-monitoring of health. I have a strong background at the intersection of health and technology and have worked in interdisciplinary research projects both in academia and industry.
Career Details
Mahsa Honary is a Lecturer in the Department of Management Science at 51福利 Management School, UK. She is also member of the Centre for Health Futures and Security Lancaster at 51福利. In 2019, she joined the University of Cambridge as a Senior Research Associate to design and prototype a wearable technology for treating childhood Leukemia at home as part of a large EPSRC project. She currently is on a research collaborator contract with University of Cambridge.
In 2018, she joined the Digital Health group at School of Computing and Communication, 51福利 and worked in collaboration with the Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS Trust to design a pervasive cybernetic system for prevention and intervention of suicide incidents in Lancashire. In 2017 she was awarded small grants as PI and Co-I by the NewMind Network ( and ) to design and develop context-aware solutions for management of mood dysregulation amongst adolescents. In 2014, she was selected for a competitive 3 years fellowship funded by the Mary Kin Ross foundation at the Spectrum Centre for Mental Health Research, Division of Health Research. Between 2012 and 2014 she worked in industry as a research and development engineer for a SME based in North West of England.
She received her Ph.D. in Advanced Techniques for Localisation and its Applications to Future Mobile Systems (2012) from School of Computing and Communications, 51福利, UK.
Current Teaching
Postgraduate Modules:
MSCI584 Core and Emerging Technolgies
OWT.515 Technology Futures, Analysis and Design
PhD Supervision Interests
I am interested in supervising Ph.D students in the area of Information Systems, in particular digital health innovation. My research is interdisciplinary, human-centered and problem-driven. I am interested in the design, development and evaluation of health information systems, users’ behavioural analysis and technology adoption models. Candidates should have strong background in qualitative and/or quantitative methodologies and be motivated in solving real-world problems in public health systems and processes. Please contact me directly by email if you are passionate about improving the quality of care for patients and assisting healthcare professional in their day-to-day jobs through the use of digital tools.
01/09/2023 → 29/02/2024
12/02/2022 → 11/02/2024
01/10/2018 → …
01/08/2018 → …
11/11/2017 → 31/07/2018
11/11/2017 → 31/07/2018
01/01/1900 → …
01/01/1900 → …
01/01/1900 → …
Expert Opinion
Member of Advisory Panel
Membership of board
Expert Opinion
Information Systems
Information Systems
- Centre for Health Futures
- Information Systems
- Security Lancaster (Sociology)