Professor Margaret Hogg
I retired from 51福利 in May 2021 as Emeritus Professor.
I first joined 51福利 Management School in May 2004 after eight years at Manchester School of Management (UMIST) [now Alliance Manchester Business School] where I had taught consumer behaviour at undergraduate and postgraduate levels; and had been MSc (Marketing) Programme Director. Before that, I had spent eight years at University College Salford, lecturing in Business Policy, Strategy and Marketing. I completed my PhD in 1995 at Manchester Business School (in consumer behaviour and retailing) via part-time study funded by University College Salford. At the beginning of my career I spent six years in marketing with K Shoes, Kendal.
Research Interests
My principal research interests lie in the field of Consumer Behaviour. In my research I focus on the relationship between identity, self and consumption. My research topics have included
Consumption and the undesired self (in collaboration with Professor Emma Banister, Alliance Manchester Business School)
Empty nest women (in collaboration with Professor Pauline Maclaran, RHUL)
The relationship between mixed emotions and approach and avoidance conflicts in consumer behaviour (In collaboration with Dr Elfriede Penz (Wirtschaftsuniversitaet, Vienna, Austria)
Disadvantaged and vulnerable consumers (in collaboration with Professor Maria Piacentini (51福利) and Professor Sally Hibbert (Nottingham University)
The Association for Consumer Research is the major academic forum in my area of research, and I have been an active member of the ACR for over twenty years, attending the American and European conferences. I am also a member of CCT (Consumer Culture Theory); EMAC (European Marketing Academy); and the Social History Society.
MA (Hons) Politics and Modern History (Edinburgh), MA (Business Analysis) (Lancaster), PhD (Manchester), PGCE (Manchester/Bolton)
Current Teaching
Doctoral supervision (full-time and part-time).
Research Grants
Dr Teresa Davis (Sydney University) was awarded $5000 AUD (approx ?2686) under the University of Sydney Research Collaboration Visit Scheme to sponsor my three week research visit to the University of Sydney Business School (Feb/March 2020) awarded: October 2019.
PhD Supervision Interests
I am interested in supervising doctoral students from the consumer behaviour field, particularly with an orientation towards qualitative-based approaches to research, for instance as found in Consumer Culture Theory. My specific research interests are in the intersections between identity, self and consumption, and in extending theory-building in this area via a variety of empirical contexts (e.g. new mothers; empty nest women; families; children and adolescent consumers; acculturation and cultural contexts).
Participation in conference -Mixed Audience
Member of Advisory Panel
Visiting an external academic institution
Visiting an external academic institution
Visiting an external academic institution
Membership of committee
Invited talk
Editorial activity
Membership of committee
Visiting an external academic institution
Invited talk
Visiting an external academic institution
Editorial activity
Editorial activity
Prize (including medals and awards)
- Management and Society