Professor Vivien Hodgson

Emeritus Professor


I am a professor of Networked Management Learning at 51福利 Management School, UK. I was guest Obel Chair at e-Learning Lab, University of Aalborg, Denmark from 2012 - 2017 and I co-edited the Springer book series until 2020. I stood down in 2012 as one of the founding co-chairs of the international bi-annual conference series on

I led an across faculty initiative Lumsnet that supported and encouraged staff to develop innovative pedagogical designs and online spaces that critically use digital learning resources and tools across a range of Management School programmes and activities at UG and PG level between 2015 and 2020.

01/08/2009 → 01/07/2011

01/02/2003 → …

Membership of committee

Invited talk

Invited talk

Visiting an external academic institution

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Editorial activity

Publication peer-review

Visiting an external academic institution

Membership of committee

Invited talk

Invited talk

Editorial activity

Visiting an external academic institution

Invited talk

Publication peer-review

Publication peer-review

Publication peer-review

Publication peer-review

Publication peer-review

Visiting an external academic institution

Publication peer-review

Editorial activity

Publication peer-review

Publication peer-review

Editorial activity

Participation in conference -Mixed Audience

Editorial activity


  • Networks, Knowledge and Strategy