Jun 24 Pentland Centre Publications Newsflash

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Bebbington, J., Blasiak, R., Larrinaga, C., Russell, S., Sobkowiak, M., Jouffray, J-B. and ?sterblom, H. (2024). Shaping Nature Outcomes in Corporate Settings. Philosophical Transactions B. 37920220325.

De Silva, D., Head, T., Pownall, R., Schiller, A. (2024) Ecological footprint and willingness to pay for green goods: Evidence from the Netherlands.Energy Journal. 45(1): 257-285.

Paananen, M., Elliott, V., Jon?ll. M., Michelon, G. and Bebbington, J. (forthcoming). Biodiversity reporting: standardization, materiality and assurance. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability, 68: 101435. ?

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